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Das Archiv bietet Ihnen ältere Ausgaben aus den Jahrgängen 2003 bis 2017 der Zeitschrift Wissenschaftsmanagement im PDF-Format kostenlos zum Download.

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Das Archiv bietet Ihnen die special Beilagen zur Zeitschrift Wissenschaftsmanagement aus den Jahrgängen 2004 bis 2013 im PDF-Format kostenlos zum Download.

Innovation Formula and Innovation Test Bed

open access

Gerhard Hube

Innovation Formula and Innovation Test Bed

Development of an instrument to determine the Innovation status in the present

The discussion about the great importance and high effectiveness of innovation for the survival of companies (cf. Maaß/ May-Strobl, 2016, p. 1), especially in the SME sector (cf. Kaschny,, 2015, p. 15) and even for societies as a whole (cf. OECD, 2018, p.3) has been intensively debated both currently and for several decades. Despite this, or perhaps precisely because of this, there is still no generally valid concept of innovation in the literature (cf. Völker/Friesenhahn, 2018, p. 17; Vahs, 2013, p. 20), or at least none that has become established through a clear and simple approach and could provide orientation for practitioners in particular as to what is to be understood by innovation and what is not.

For this reason, an attempt will be made here to contribute to a simple, clear and preferably unambiguous understanding of innovation. In addition, an attempt will be made to solve a dilemma that often arises in the application and discussion of innovation. This dilemma arises when the actors do not clearly distinguish the status quo of an innovation from its future potential, resulting in misunderstandings and wrong decisions. Therefore, it is of high importance for both science and business practice to develop a uniform understanding of innovation. This understanding is important in order to have a common idea of what is to be understood by innovation and what is not on the way to an innovation-oriented company. This then has far-reaching consequences for the design of organisation and processes in the company (cf. Hauschildt, 2007, pp. 6-7). Building on a clear definition of innovation, this work develops an instrument that is to be used both in practice and in teaching.


ISBN: 978-3-86856-028-2