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Das Archiv bietet Ihnen ältere Ausgaben aus den Jahrgängen 2003 bis 2017 der Zeitschrift Wissenschaftsmanagement im PDF-Format kostenlos zum Download.

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Das Archiv bietet Ihnen die special Beilagen zur Zeitschrift Wissenschaftsmanagement aus den Jahrgängen 2004 bis 2013 im PDF-Format kostenlos zum Download.

Personalized Cancer Diagnostics


Jahrgang 2017
Ausgabe 4/2017
Anant Madabhushi and Kaustav Bera


Personalized Cancer Diagnostics

How man and machine can work together to diagnose diseases in medical scans

With artificial intelligence, machines can now examine thousands of medical images – and billions of pixels within these images – to identify patterns too subtle for a radiologist or pathologist to identify. The machine then uses this information to identify the presence of a disease or estimate its aggressiveness, likelihood of survival or potential response to treatment. We are engineers at the Center for Computational Imaging and Personalized Diagnostics t the Case Western Reserve University. Our team works with physicians and statisticians to develop and validate these kinds of tools.