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Das Archiv bietet Ihnen ältere Ausgaben aus den Jahrgängen 2003 bis 2017 der Zeitschrift Wissenschaftsmanagement im PDF-Format kostenlos zum Download.

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Das Archiv bietet Ihnen die special Beilagen zur Zeitschrift Wissenschaftsmanagement aus den Jahrgängen 2004 bis 2013 im PDF-Format kostenlos zum Download.

The Future World of Health


Jahrgang 2017
Ausgabe 4/2017
Marta Millar

Precision Medicine

The Future World of Health

A Comparison of US-German Initiatives on Precision Medicine: translating from science to practice

Precision Medicine represents exciting new opportunities for patient treatment on both sides of the Atlantic. Its successful implementation could help consumers make healthier lifestyle choices, improve cancer treatments by making them more effective, and save the healthcare industry millions of dollars. But it also requires Americans and Germans to tackle important ethical and political questions about data exchange and security, information privacy, and affordable access to healthcare.